As the 13th installment for the 4th face of the MCU, Marvell released its new show, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, through its parent company online streaming platform Disney+ on the seventeen of May 2022. The comic book-based show explores the life of 30-year-old lawyer Jennifer Walters after getting infected with his cousin's powers. A legal comedy surrounding the daily life of a 2-meter green attorney with the Hulk's superpowers.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

The series aims to explore the "ordinary" life of a super-powered woman, trying to balance her work ambitions, personal relationships, and her newly acquired abilities. This concept is a way of contrasting the otherworldly, action-pact, big-scale MCU projects. The show focuses on her life and relationships with her family, friends, coworkers, clients, and love interests.

Written by a majoritarian female writing team, the series explores the unique challenges of being a woman through the extraordinary scenario of becoming a public superhero and uses Walter's ability to control "the Hulk," taking over her body as a symbol of women having to deal with a lot of frustrating, insulting, and infuriating situations that women are exposed, particularly in the professional and dating worlds. "The series addresses and incorporates many real-life misogynistic and Internet troll comments about Marvel and female superheroes."

This story is told while remaining as true to the source as possible, a comedy-driven character known for breaking the fourth wall, sometimes even literally, with illustrations of her ripping the page she's drawn in or jumping actual ads or other elements of the comic book to surprise her enemies. The series utilizes these resources to include the viewer in the conversation and raise questions about the gender narrative in comic book stories and real life.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is a highly anticipated show with precedent dating all the way back to a canceled TV movie from 1989. In 2019 Marvel finally announced that the show was in development and would be part of the fourth wave of media involving their central cinematic universe.

The studio chose award-winning writer Jessica Gao to lead the project and Kat Cairo to direct it. A group of mainly female writers with a background in situational comedy was chosen to work on this project as well, with Seb Wells and Cody Ziglar ensuring that the show was respectful to the original comic book material. Many adjustments had to be made to the series before and during production to ensure the right balance between the source material, a sitcom's feel, the concept of continuous fourth wall breaking, and the CGI workflow necessary to bring The SheHulk to life.

About She Hulk

Critical Reception

With a 67 out of 100 on Metacritic, the general consensus from critics about the show is primarily positive. The cast, comedy, and feminist thoughtfulness are at the center of most peace, highlighting the show's protagonist Tatiana Maslany who captures She Hulk's energy charmingly and entertainingly.

This show is the lowest-scored production in the new era of the MCU, with a User score of 3.2 on Metacritic. Unfortunately, the criticism started from day one, with the launch trailer disappointing fans that weren't happy with the CGI look of the main character. Even though, technically speaking, the execution was second to non; it was described as non-believable and cheaper looking than other famous characters, including its male parallel "The Hulk." Many fans disliked the feminist discourse of the series and found the fourth-wall-breaking extensive and gimmicky. Marvel reacted within the show by calling out some bad reviews based on toxic masculinity.

Audience Reception

Brand impact

In the specific case of the MCU, all products are intertwined, and the success of the Brand depends on this relationship within them; some of them are more isolated than others by design, but in the case of She-Hulk, storylines of a couple of huge names within this universe where affected. It is hard to estimate the exact impact that one project has on the others, but some controversy surrounding all characters has already started. This implies that the reception of this show is essential for the anticipation of not only new seasons but also the continuation of highly anticipated storylines like the ones of Daredevil and The Hulk.

Stay on Brand

When trying to reach a new audience and represent a different social cause, it's important to connect this with your Brand identity. Otherwise, it might be perceived as deceiving. If your Brand's goal is to evolve and change, declaring your intentions literally and clearly will help consumers digest it.

Use sub-brands to experiment

When working on a layered Brand structure, a Parent brand has the opportunity to experiment and stretch the limits of what they stand for through a sub-brand. This will be less impactful than a total rebranding but allows for a safer strategy.

Never underestimate a challenge

Consumers are more involved with what brands stand for than ever; this is an incredible opportunity to engage and generate brand loyalty, but it's crucial to remember that consumers are also more informed and committed to social topics than ever. It's essential to be prepared for public scrutiny.

Rome wasn't built in a day

The audience might take a while to respond positively to a brand taking a side in a conversation; it can be long prose.

Find common ground

Using elements of your Brand with which your consumers identify to communicate a new message can be really powerful, like taking a classic beloved character and using it to convey a new message while staying true to its essence.

Build a solid foundation

Make sure your Brand is ready for some controversy and pushback; being woke is a prose we should all be constantly in, but everybody is in a different moment, and some won't be ready instantly.

Key Takeaways